EIGRP Authentication, Passive-Interface, Summarization
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R1#clock set HH:MM:SS DAY MON YEAR
# This command will statically set the clock for the router.
R1(config)#key chain [NAME]
# This command will create the key chain and bring you into the "Key Chain" sub-configuration mode
R1(config-keychain)#key 1
This command creates an actual key to be used to authenticate. this is creating the PSK but is not the actual "Key" or "password" that will be used.
R1(config-keychain-key)#key-string [password]
# This command will set the actual password to be used for authentication.
R1(config-keychain-key)#send-lifetime 00:00:00 1 Mar 2022 00:00:00 28 Feb 2023
# This command will set the length of time the key can be sent.
R1(config-keychain-key)#accept-lifetime 00:00:00 1 Mar 2022 00:00:00 28 Feb 2023
# This command will set the length of time a key can be accepted
R1(config-router-af)#af-interface default
# This command will allow you to configure all interfaces that are participating in EIGRP
R1(config-router-af-interface)#authentication mode md5
# This command will set the hash method for the Pre-shared key that will be sent in the EIGRP hello packet
R1(config-router-af-interface)#authentication key-chain {name}
# This command will set the key-chain to be used on the EIGRP-enabled interface
R1#show key chain
# This command will show all the valid key-chain and their lifetimes.
R1(config-router-af)#af-interface default
# This command will allow you to configure all interfaces that are participating in EIGRP
# This command will turn off EIGRP messages for any interface
R1(config-router-af-interface)#no passive-interface
# This command will turn off the passive-interface command and enable EIGRP messages to be sent out to the interface
R1#show run | section router eigrp
# This command will show us the running configuration for just our EIGRP configuration.
R1#show ip eigrp interfaces
# This command will show us all the interfaces that are participating in EIGRP
R1(config-router-af)#af-interface eth0/0
# This command will enter the sub-configuration for a specific EIGRP-enabled interface
# This command will allow you to send a summarized route update for all the prefixes that fall within the range.