Creating SVIs
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In this guide, we will cover creating an SVI on a Distro switch and using the SVI as the default gateway for our users.
For this How To, we will need to create two SVIs for VLAN 10 and VLAN 20. It already assumed that you have created VLANs and assigned them to the correct interface.
SW1#configure terminal
# This command puts us in Global Config mode
SW1(config)#interface vlan 10
# This command will create our logical Switched Virtual Interface and put us into the SVI sub-configuration mode
SW1(config-if)#description SALES VLAN 10 DEFAULT GATEWAY
# This command will give a description of the interface
SW1(config-if)#ip address
# This command will assign an IP address to the interface
SW1(config-if)#no shut
# This command will turn on the interface and put it into an "up" state.
The full configuration for SW1 is shown below
Not seen is assigning the IP addresses to the computers. But in this demonstration, we can see the computers on different VLANs have IP reachability.
This Wireshark capture shows the ping test between the subnets.
The following show commands verify that the SVI's are created and are in a UP/UP state.
SW1#show ip interface brief | include Vlan
# The initial command will show a brief output of all the interfaces on the device. The "pipe" command uses REGEX to filter the output to just the SVI's